Neck Pain Due to Eye Misalignment and How NeuroVisual Medicine Works

woman with neck pain

A surprisingly large percentage of people experience neck pain that inhibits their daily activities. Did you know that eye misalignment can lead to tension in the neck? Often, neck pain results from sleeping in an inappropriate position for your neck muscles. Sometimes, you may experience neck pain after a car accident.


If your neck often feels achy or does not resolve within a reasonable amount of time, it may stem from a subtle eye misalignment. Decreased range of motion, stiffness, and soreness in your neck can be debilitating. Such problems can make it difficult for you to go about your daily routines. It can be especially overwhelming when countless medications and treatments do not seem to provide relief.


Visual Misalignment and Neck Pain

For your eyes to be effective and see clearly, they need to work in sync with one another. To achieve this synchronization, perfect alignment of the eyes is necessary. When there is a subtle misalignment of the eyes, which is a condition known as binocular vision dysfunction, you may often experience neck pain.


You may compensate for this eye misalignment by tilting your head towards one of your shoulders. Doing so can help when it comes to vertically realigning your vision. However, it will probably lead to chronic neck pain.

You need to understand that your sense of sight is extremely complex. Many components need to be aligned and perfectly coordinated both vertically and horizontally. Otherwise, your eyes will not be able to perform the elaborate task of scanning, focusing on, and tracking objects.


Vertical Misalignment

This form of eye misalignment, no matter how slight, can result in images projected on your retinas being on a slightly uneven level. Consequently, you will end up seeing two images of the same object rather than one.

Unfortunately, many people do not even realize that they have this problem. This is because the brain tries to do everything possible to automatically correct this problem. However, in the process, the eyes will overexert themselves, which will lead to an eye muscle strain referred to as vertical heterophoria.


Can NeuroVisual Medicine Help?

Vision difficulties are one of the most common health problems. According to some statistics, more than 150 million people in the U.S. use some form of corrective eyewear. Fortunately, the medicine here offers amazing relief for many patients struggling with various eye conditions using microprism lenses. Some of the eye conditions it treats include:


  • Eyestrain

  • Dizziness while driving

  • Motion sickness

  • Neck ache

  • Nausea

  • Light sensitivity

  • Gait instability

  • Headaches

  • Post-concussive symptoms

  • ADHD



When you visit your neurovisual eye doctor, they will provide treatment for the symptoms of eye misalignment and other BVD disorders using aligning lenses. Consequently, your head tilt will gradually resolve itself. Treatment of your back and neck pain, therefore, will be more effective since your neck muscles will no longer be in a state of contraction.


To learn more about the relationship between eye misalignment and neck pain or to schedule an appointment today, call Eye Care North in Cave Creek, Arizona at 480-781-4446.

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